Monthly Board meetings take place on Monday evenings from 7- 9 pm (typically the last Monday of each month) and are open to members of the public.
The board has three standing committees and meetings are generally open to the public:
- Membership Outreach & Inclusion Committee
- Strategy & Finance Committee
- Personnel & Policy Committee
Board meetings alternate between in-person and virtual – see schedule for information.
All committee meetings are currently virtual.
For information on how to participate contact Susanne Burkhardt, Executive Director at [email protected] / 416-461-5392.
2024-2025 Board and Committee Meeting Schedule
2024/2025 Board Members
- Brian Buchan (Treasurer)
- Brian Wood
- Camille Bettonville (Vice Chair)
- Jean Lim O’Brien
- Kirstin Vanderpark
- Pat Jordan
- Paula Fletcher (City Council representative)
- Sara Ehrhardt (TDSB representative)
- Sarah Lasch
- Susan Munn (Chair)
- Tammy Rogers (Secretary)
Board Meeting Packages
Each package contains the meeting agenda, minutes of the previous meeting and other meeting materials.
To request previous Board packages please email [email protected] or call 416-461-8143.