To be held virtually on October 10, 2024 at 7:00 pm

Meeting Purpose

To consider three resolutions to enable the Corporation to be compliant with the Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 (Ontario), which the Ontario government proclaimed in October 2021:

  1. To amend the Letters Patent and apply for Articles of Amendment;
  2. To confirm the replacement of the Constitution for The Corporation with a new bylaw that aligns with the Ontario Not-For-Profit Corporation Act (ONCA); and
  3. To establish the number of positions on the Board of Directors for the Corporation.

Documents Provided

  1. Agenda – Special Meeting of Members
  2. Information and Resolutions Package – background, overview of proposed changes, text of special resolutions for member approval 
  3. Current Letters Patent (for the Corporation)
  4. Current Constitution (for the Corporation)
  5. New Draft Bylaw 2024 (for the Corporation) 

For hard copies contact Susanne at 416-461-5392 or [email protected].


Please register by 5pm on October 10.
To register contact Susanne at 416-461-5392, [email protected] or visit the Applegrove office. 
A Zoom invitation will be sent to you. Zoom allows for participation by telephone as well as by video conference. 


To make the Member’s Meeting as efficient as possible, the Board asks that any questions regarding the ONCA transition process and/or the draft ONCA documents be submitted in writing to [email protected] prior to the October 10 Member’s Meeting. 


If you require accommodations to participate please contact Susanne Burkhardt, Executive Director at 416-461-5392 or [email protected]. We will do our best to meet your needs.

Applegrove is an agency of the City of Toronto and a not-for-profit corporation with charitable status, which function together as one organization. Our catchment area spans from Jones Avenue to the west to Woodbine Avenue to the east, and from Lake Ontario to the railway tracks north of Gerrard Street.

As a City agency Applegrove has an 11-member Board of Management which includes 9 community directors, the City Councillor for Ward 14 and a representative of the Toronto District School Board. The same people, with the exception of the TDSB representative, also sit on the Board of Directors of the not-for-profit corporation. The term for board members is 2 years, to a maximum of 4 consecutive 2-year terms.

Board members are a diverse group of community leaders that provide vision, strategic leadership, advocacy, accountability and stewardship.

  1. Board
  2. Annual Reports & Audited Financial Statements
  3. AOCC Model